Your giants could be personal (physical, emotional,
psychological), social or spiritual. Each of us must identify our giants first
before we can defeat them. The Apostle identified the root cause of these giants in the scriptures:
1 John 2:15-17 Love not the world, neither the things of the world. If any man loves the world, the love of the Father is not in Him. For all that is in the world; the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof; but he that doeth the will of God abideth forever.

There are great men in our country have faced and defeated their personal
or social giants. The Bible is full of examples of how great men managed their challenges,
their giants and defeated them. A look at their lives would be a lesson for every man alive.
Here are some examples of giants men faced in the Bible:
Disobedience, Lust for Power
Genesis 3
Expelled from the Garden of Eden
Isa 14; Ezek 28
Expelled from heaven and became satan
Frustration lead to Disobedience
Num 20:8-12
Had a murmuring and complaining
congregation who did not see the promised land
Joshua, Caleb (12 spies)
Fear vs. trusting in God’s word
Numbers 13
Follow God rather than popular
Low self esteem
Judges 6
Called to lead but lived in doubt
and low self esteem
Fornication, sexual immorality
Judges 13 thru 16
Lust of the flesh, died while
fulfilling his destiny
Disobedience, Lust for Power
1 Samuel 15
Lost the anointing of God and
the kingdom; rebellion - witchcraft and stubbornness is iniquity and idolatry
King David of Israel
Pride, Adultery, Murder
2 Sam 24; Acts 13
Numbered the people to show his
power and the result was 70,000 died; Adultery and murder However David was always quick to repent; A
man after God's heart.
Solomon (wisdom & wealth)
Sexual immorality, Idolatry
1 Kings 11:3
Womanizer, fornication
lead to Idolatry
Naaman, captain of the King of
Syria's army
Arrogance, Pride
2 Kings 5:1 – 11
Expected the prophet
Elisha to do a public show to heal him instead of obeying instructions
Gehazhi, Elisha’s servant
2 Kings 5:20 - 27
Because of greed he got the leprosy
of Naaman.
Position and title
Daniel 6: 10-28
Sent to the lion’s den because of his belief
in God. Faith in God in the face of death
Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego (3
Hebrew young men)
Position and title
Daniel 3: 13-30
Thrown into the fiery furnace because they stood
on the Word of God. Trust and Faith in God in the face of death
Unfaithful wife
Hosea 1
Obeyed God rather than leaving his wife
John the Baptist
Doubt, unbelief and offence due
to being imprisoned by Herod.
Matt 11:2 - 6
Are you the one or should we
look for another? Blind, lame, deaf, dead, poor (gospel) blessed who not offended.
Apostle Paul
Beatings, shipwreck, assassination,
prison and death, Thorn in the flesh
Acts 10 to 26
Faithful to God and the call on
his life. Humility – open every epistle – servant or slave of Christ
Apostle Peter
Racism, Prejudice
Gal 2: 11-21
Ate with the Gentiles but
separated himself when the other Jewish Christians appeared
Apostle John
Persecution and prison
Revelation 1
Exiled to prison for preaching
the Gospel
Fredrick Douglas
Fight racism in the church to
help the anti-slavery movement; Was born a slave but still stood on Christian principles of
truth, love and integrity
Regarded as a great man, an
abolitionist against slavery
Martin Luther King Jr.
Racial discrimination
Walk in love at the risk of his
The giant list: pride, disobedience,
frustration, fear, persecution, sexual immorality, greed, lust for power and
influence, pleasing man rather than God, doubt, unbelief, prejudice, racism and
Jesus did – he faced every test and trial. Jesus
Christ faced and defeated the ultimate giants of sin and death by giving His
life for all mankind so we can be victorious over our giants.
The question for you and I is – Do you have a strategy to
defeat your giants?
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