Why do men give in to compromise when their reputation, position or personal gain is threatened by truth and integrity? Why is it so difficult in these days to find leaders of good character? We see this lack in politics, business, entertainment and even religion in society today. It is an indication that people are willing to do anything to gain power and success. It may explain what has happened in the 2016 Presidential elections in America and the moral decline in our nation. Too many leaders find it hard to condemn politicians who use hatred and bigotry to advance their political ambition. Some leaders sit quietly when others promote abominable behavior as the norm in our society. Even some Christian leaders are unwilling to speak boldly and publicly against the legalization of sinful practice - for fear of losing their 501 (3)c status? When morality declines in any society - economic and social decline follows. The decline in the character of leadership is indeed a warning sign. While many leaders are standing firm, we need more leaders to stand up for truth and integrity, because the true leaders are under severe attacks.
What is going on? I believe a key reason is that too many leaders trust themselves more than they trust God. They trust their education and experience more than they trust God. Even Christians leaders in this category trust their own experience more than trusting the Holy Spirit. It is time for people to demand more integrity from their leaders. Leaders who fear truth and lack integrity are actually saying that they don't need God. But God is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. In other words, God is all-powerful, all-knowing and is everywhere at the same time. As the prophet Isaiah says "God knows the end of a thing at its beginning" (Isa 46:9-10). And God is not a respecter of persons. He will bypass our education, our experience, our money, our knowledge to get what he wants done on earth. God does not need us.