The Time for More Real Men to Stand Up is Now
I remember when I was a boy, all the men of my community had the authority to correct and discipline any youth when it was necessary. Today it is a different situation. We are living at the stage in the history of mankind where too many young men have no regard for the adults around them and believe that they can and should do whatever feels good. If you travel, you can see and hear the foul language and rude, lawless, and lewd behavior of some youth in the presence of their elders. Even more tragic is that some of this behavior is from young girls! How did this happen? What is going on?The first typical response is to blame the youth. This is incorrect. We have to first look at the adults, especially the men in our society. Young people see some preachers preach one thing and practice the opposite. They see rich men commit crimes and do not get punished. They hear politicians make promises and never keep them. They see “celebrities” break the law and get a slap on the wrist by our justice system. I did not say all, but it is too much – enough is enough. Children see parents do wrong and tell the child "do what I say and not what I do"; Young people see businessmen use sex and violence to exploit women and youth in movies, television, videos and the internet and call it "just doing business" Young people hear talk show hosts tell people to do whatever feels good and that there is no absolute truth nor right or wrong.
In other words, "Do whatever feels good to you". Sounds familiar?
Indeed, we are in moral decline in our society. Simple behaviors like politeness, like kindness, good manners, common courtesy are in short supply. Some people think foolishly that a display of kindness is a display of a weak person. Children and young people tease their classmates and colleagues who display good manners. If you think kindness, goodness, courtesy, and good manners are for weak people, you are sadly mistaken. You are actually exhibiting is a clear example of a lack of proper human development.
What many people do not realize is that it takes more strength of
character to be mannerly. Any weakling can be rude, obnoxious, and vulgar. It
takes more strength to be gentle than to be tasteless.
You see gentleness reflects strength under control. People who use curse words in almost every sentence show a lack of vocabulary words and are almost incapable of wholesome verbal expression. There should be no pride in verbal expressions of foul language; it is actually an example of limited speaking ability. It is an indication that we need to learn and mature as adults. It is indeed necessary for us, the adults, to set the example of moral maturity. We must stop making excuses for rudeness and obnoxious behavior. It all begins with the adults, first in the home, to set proper examples for the younger generation.
More than 2,000 years ago the Bible predicted that these things will happen.
2 Timothy 3: 1-5 says: "You should also know this, Timothy, that in the last days there will be very difficult times. For people will love only themselves and their money. They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful. They will consider nothing sacred. They will be unloving and unforgiving; they will slander others and have no self-control; they will be cruel and have no interest in what is good. They will betray their friends, be reckless, be puffed up with pride, and love pleasure rather than God. They will act as if they are religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly. You must stay away from people like that"
Surprised? So, you thought that the Bible was an irrelevant book? In the last 30 years, young people have seen this type of behavior from adults more and more. Our youth are the product of the examples set by the adults.
One of the reasons for this moral decline is fatherlessness. Yes fatherlessness. Fatherlessness does not necessarily mean that the father is not in the home. A father could be in the home but not lead their children in honesty, truth, and integrity. Men must operate in their role of father to their children. The role of father cannot be performed by a woman. Fatherhood is a male assignment and motherhood is a female assignment. There are things only a man can impart to a child or youth and there are things only a mother can impart to a child or youth. Some may not agree with this, but we need to understand the difference between identity and function.
For example, the Holy Trinity consists of God the Father, Jesus the son, and the Holy Spirit. Although they are equal, they have different functions. People will just have to agree to disagree with me on this. The lack of a father’s guidance leads to frustration in the child and young person. This impacts on the rounded personality of the child. But despite the moral decline we see in our society there is hope. I want to briefly address the role of men in fostering this hope.
First there is an attack on men who are manly, men who speak boldly to issues that confront our society. We see this negative portrayal of manly men in movies, TV shows where the manliness of men have been deemphasized for the more “sensitive, emotional” male image. I am not saying that men are not sensitive nor emotional, indeed we are but why the attack the manly character? Young girls need examples of strong moral fathers, to compare to potential husbands because two-parent families are still foundational in the life of a child. Again, some may disagree but let us agree to disagree on this too.
But, there is hope if more men would begin to stand up for truth, holiness, and righteousness instead of worrying about what "society" thinks or what is popular. Popularity is temporary, but holiness is eternal. Popularity is short lived, but righteousness is eternal. Popularity is temporary, but truth is eternal. Popularity is temporary, but kindness, goodness and gentleness are eternal and lasting. It is time for more men to stop seeking power, position, and titles and seek high moral character in leading their children and families.
This answer is Jesus Christ who is the source of holiness,
righteousness, and integrity. I believe, more men need to get to know God
through Jesus Christ to mirror these characteristics. The acceptance and
knowledge of Christ is necessary to the full development of real men. Real men
are kind, and gentle, and bold, and loving, and courteous. Real men are power
under control. Real men follow the pattern of Christ by displaying the strength
of Christ, the purity of Christ and the love of Christ. Young people would
follow such men of integrity, courage, and wisdom.
A few years ago a dear friend of mine gave me a birthday card
which said:
• This world needs more real men and fewer pretenders
• More courage, fewer excuses
• More wisdom, less egotism
• More stepping up to the plate and less beating around the bush
• More leaders, fewer players
• More muscle, less beef
• What this world needs is more men of character.
I could not have stated it better myself. Every woman would want such a man for
a father, brother, or husband. So, men, let us take up the challenge and
fulfill that call.
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